Container Imagery

Our mindfulness practice for this beautiful day in May is find five minutes in a quiet space.  Once in this space picture a container with a lid on it.  It can be any container with any lid.  Next, focus on every thought that calls your attention.  Each item on your to do list, every call you have to make, and all thoughts that bring your attention away from the present.  Notice this these thoughts, and without judgement place them in your imaginary container.  Make yourself an observer of your own thoughts as you watch them float away and into your container.  Take a few minutes to do this as you breath slowly.  Now, close the lid on the container, and watch yourself stand tall, stand proud, and leave them all behind.  Trust in the process.  Trust that all will be done, but by staying in the present, you are bringing your best self to each moment.  

Have a wonderful weekend,

Shore Behavioral Health